Twiztid Live in Hartford, CT - Abominationz Tour

Twiztid Live in Hartford, CT - Abominationz Tour - BstMstRwashere

The Underworld-Teaser

New documentary series! 
This series will cover various underground bands, groups, and acts of all genres!

TWIZTID Press Conference

Twiztid talks about the Twiztid shop, coming to Canada.

Blaze Speaks On Being Droped From Psychopathic 3-10-13

You clearly hear him say,
 "I didn't walk away from shit, he just pushed me away two days ago!"- @warpedlillette213

Writ Of Execution

WRIT OF EXECUTION is song about the Angel of Assassination (the King's Executioner) who was a rock star in his day..  Inspired by the Greatest Happiness Principle

According to utilitarianism, actions are judged right or wrong in proportion to their propensity to produce the most happiness or pleasure, for the greatest number. Jeremy Bentham (1748-1832) believed that seeking happiness was an inherent part of human nature, and that happiness could be measured as a matter of quantity. Each person is their own judge when it comes to happiness, but when it comes to the greatest happiness, a person can really only be so happy if others around them are happy, too. He called this the greatest happiness principle. The greatest happiness depended upon the circumstances, upon the community in which one finds themselves, and upon how they sought to maximize harmony, comfort, and happiness with their closest friends and neighbors"- BstMstR   Writ Of Execution